The Adventures Begin
After committing ourselves to the development of the Underwater Domain with unwavering dedication, we recognized that a young maritime start-up cannot afford to rest easy. Consequently, we kicked off the year with a high-decibel association and diligently pursued value-added initiatives in skill building, maritime collaborations, and multiple projects within the Blue economy domain.Specializing in Turnkey Project Delivery

Aiming to be market leaders in the IOR, we work towards providing consultancy, hardware & software products and services, in order to enable the larger realization of Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) framework, specifically for the tropical littoral waters.

We build partnerships and generate business by identifying specific project ideas. We initiate proposals with the relevant agencies and organizations with a clear focus on delivering value for all players in the Underwater Domain.

Policy, Technology innovation, Blue economy and Human centric skilling: these remain our areas of focus in the drive towards acoustic capacity and capability building in the Underwater Domain.