Nirdhwani Technology

UDA Framework

Blue Economy

The oceans hold vital resources for national economic prosperity.

Optimizing ocean resources, including shipping, fishing, and deep sea mining, is crucial for sustainable economic growth, necessitating effective Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) for planning and extraction.

National Security

Maritime nations face subversive threats; safeguarding sea boundaries is critical.

Maintaining undersea security involves defending Sea Lines of Communication, coastlines, and maritime assets against submarines and mines aiming to restrict sea and littoral access.

Environment and Disaster Management

Early warnings mitigate natural disaster impact, safeguarding lives and assets.

Human maritime activities harm the environment, posing a threat to sustainability. Utilizing Effective Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) can enhance underwater environmental management and ensure responsible growth.

Science and Technology

Science and tech drive safety, security, and sustainable marine progress.

Comprehending the undersea ecosystem, its interactions, and human impact necessitates continuous research, essential for informed decisions on environmental preservation and sustainable development."

Acoustic Capability Building

UDA aims to understand and predict underwater developments.

UDA extends beyond security, evolving into a comprehensive framework. It empowers stakeholders to harness underwater potential, promoting innovation and actionable insights across domains.

Unveiling the Depths

Navigating Underwater Domain Awareness

In our journey to understand and utilize the vast underwater realm, Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) emerges as a pivotal concept. From fueling economic growth through Blue Economy initiatives to safeguarding national security and preserving marine environments, UDA offers a comprehensive framework. It intertwines science, technology, and strategic planning to unlock the potential of the underwater domain, fostering innovation and sustainable development across diverse sectors.


The conventional approach of each of the stakeholders pursuing their own UDA efforts has serious limitations given the highly resource intensive field experimental research initiative required for a long period. This has ensured that UDA has remained an exclusive club of very few developed nations with access to such resources and know-how. Vested interest of these few, have further ensured inequitable distribution of the global resources leading to unrest and conflict. We have gone through a full circle and now it is time we build universal systems that can minimize the inequitable distribution of resources and bring peace and harmony on a global scale.

UDA Framework Concept Note:

The figure above gives a comprehensive way forward for the stakeholders to engage and interact. It will enable more focused approach and well defined interactive framework. Multi-disciplinary and multifunctional entities can interact and contribute, to seamlessly synergize their efforts towards a larger goal. The proposed UDA framework encourages pooling of resources and synergizing of efforts across the stakeholders towards safe, secure, sustainable growth for all.

UDA Applications​​

The UDA framework is relevant to multiple national initiatives and could substantially complement the efforts on all the three fronts namely Policy, Technology & Innovation and Human Resource Development. The initiatives are Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), Inland Water Transport (IWT) and Freshwater Resource Management.

Resonance among Stakeholders

MRC team featured in Global Maritime Innovation Challenge: Narwhal Challenge. Only team from Asia among the Four finalists. Raksha Rajya Mantri recommended considering UDA framework as a National Priority. Indian Navy recognized NDT/MRC to be pioneers in initiating the National UDA discourse in India. Indian National Shipping Association (INSA), recognized NDT/MRC efforts in promoting sustainable growth in the maritime sector.

Chairman National Shipping Board complemented NDT/MRC for their novel work on Acoustic Habitat Degradation. Business France and the French Consulate in Mumbai invited NDT/MRC to address a Maritime & Defence Industry delegation from France on Opportunities in India on UDA framework.

Geo-Political Perspective

Post the 9/11 incident in the US, the Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) gained prominence as a security driven formulation and similarly in India, post the 26/11 Mumbai incident again the Navy driven MDA was acknowledged as a priority. The underwater component of the MDA will be a very narrow perspective for the effective realization of the UDA. The underwater threat from disruptive technology driven tools like drones and others is a real threat, however even in the US the MDA formulation is not able to effectively cover the underwater threat.

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